Mt Isa Airport
“In April 2014, Friendly Fire Ecological Consultants (FFEC) were engaged by Mt Isa Airport Pty Ltd (MIAPL) to conduct hazard reduction prescribed burns airside. Four hundred acres, divided into various sized blocks with fuel loads ranging between 5-10 tons per hectare were targeted with an overall reduction of ground fuels by 85% upon completion of burning activities. MIAPL were extremely impressed with such a positive outcome along with the professionalism, attention to detail, adherence to WPH&S guidelines and friendliness displayed by all FFEC staff. MIAPL will continue to work closely with FFEC for future burning activities within and around the Airport precinct. MIAPL has no hesitation in recommending FFEC to other Airports or major land managers for all of their burning requirements.”
John Kennedy, Aerodrome Reporting Officer, Mt Isa Airport Pty Ltd.

Olkola Aboriginal Land Managers
“Thanks to Mick Blackman and Friendly Fire Ecological Consultants for a wonderful training experience. The Olkola Aboriginal Land Managers had a great experience with Mick and the team. Everyone was helpful, efficient and friendly and easily built a rapport with the team. We would definitely recommend them to others for training and look forward to working with them in the future.”

Kawadji Kanidji Rangers
“We have been burning most of our lives and didn’t understand how important timing, fuel loads, temp. and wind speed were. We really enjoyed the course and we enjoyed getting first hand experience with slip-on units and the rural fire trucks.We enjoyed seeing the footage of dangerous fires and different control methods used by fire-brigades.
The course has given us the confidence to begin burning our traditional lands using land marks and vegetation types to determine the health of the land. We now understand the importance of understory burning for all sorts of management purposes including weed eradication and vegetation manipulation.
This course is probably one of the most important courses we could have done as burning is now going to be one of our highest priorities.
Thank you to Friendly Fire for organising and coordinating this interesting and highly informative course”
Torres Strait Regional Authority
“In the Torres Strait ecological burning is important to protect the biodiversity, camping places and cultural sites, particularly on the larger more diverse islands. Seven Torres Strait Regional Authority Ranger groups have completed crew member and crew leader training through Friendly Fire. These groups are varied and include:
The central western cluster (Moa, Badu and Mabuiag)
The top western cluster (Boigu, Dauan and Saibai)
One eastern island Erub.
Using Mick Blackman and his team to build our skills and implement the burning outlined in the Community approved Working on Country Plans and the scientific recommendations in the island specific Fire Management Plans has proved to be extremely beneficial. From equipment use and maintenance, planning, mapping, navigation, data capture and reporting to the enjoyment of walking country, sharing knowledge and patch burning to suit conditions with the Traditional Owners.
The remote outer islands of the Torres Strait always present a challenge when coordinating logistics and we can’t control the weather, however due to Mick’s flexibility and experience we have enjoyed successful outcomes each burning season since our partnership started 2011″. Simon Conaty, Torres Strait Regional Authority (Project Manager Land)
“In June 2014, Friendly Fire Ecological Consultants (FFEC) were engaged by the Torres Strait Regional Authority (TSRA) to assist in the development of the TSRA Fire Management Policy and Procedures. This document sets the framework for all ecological fire management activities in the Torres Straits to be undertaken by the TSRA Ranger program. FFEC had previously provided specialist basic fire module and Crew Leader training to the TSRA Ranger program.
FFEC provided specialist knowledge in ensuring our fire management policy and procedures were aligned with all of the legislative requirements around fire management activities. FFEC also contributed to the document by producing several key templates such as Burn Management Proposals, Burn Implementation Plans, Post Burn Reports, Risk Registers, and Job Safety Analysis.
… I believe that we are now in a sound position to carry out fire management activities in the Torres Strait to protect and conserve our natural and cultural assets, whilst ensuring the work is undertaken safely and continues to develop the skills of the ranger team.”
Mark Geyle, Project Manager Land, Land and Sea Management Unit, Torres Strait Regional Authority
Our diverse group of clients
- Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS)
- Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS) Joint Indigenous Management Program
- Glencorp
- Rio Tinto
- Indigenous Land Council (ILC)
- Spotless: defence services
- Land & Sea Indigenous Ranger Group
- Mapoon Aboriginal Shire Council Land and Sea Rangers
- Laura Ranger Group
- Birds Australia Grasswren
- Thunderbird Mines
- Bungy Helicopters
- Kimberly